About the Journal
- Journal Title: U-Teach: Journal of Young Physics Education Teacher
- Initials: U-Teach
- Frequency: June & Desember
- Print ISSN: 2723-8156
- Online ISSN: 2723-8164
- Editor in Chief: Widayanti, M.Pd.
- DOI: 10.30599
- Publisher: Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Nurul Huda
U-Teach: Journal of Young Physics Education Teacher is a scientific journal published with the aim of facilitating academics and researchers to publish their research findings in the fields of Physics Education Innovation, Physics Learning Media and Scientific Research in the field of physics. U-Teach: Journal of Young Physics Teacher Education is a journal published by the STKIP Physics Education Study Program Nurul Huda. U-Teach will start appearing in June 2020 ie Vol. 1 No. 1 of 2020, with and regularly published twice per year in June and December.
Focus articles that can be published on U-Teach Here are the details:
1. Physics Learning Innovation: models, strategies, approaches, development of teaching materials and media in learning physics.
2. Scientific research: physics experiments and physics development research.
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Current Issue
U-Teach: Journal Education of Young Physics Teacher has been published in Vol. 5 No. 1, June 2024. Our hope with the publication of this journal can help readers to provide insight, ideas, references, in the development of educational innovations and scientific physics. This journal review contains 7 articles.
Kajian Etnosains Arsitektur Rumah Panggung “Dalam Loka” Sumbawa sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Fisika
Abstract Views: 247 | File Views: 247 -
Preliminary Developing PBL-ESDG Learning Tools on Global Warming Topics: Needed to Train Earth Science Literacy and Student Creativity
Abstract Views: 211 | File Views: 147 -
Tinjauan Filsafat Sains pada Konsep Horsepower dalam Pembelajaran Fisika
Abstract Views: 148 | File Views: 138 -
Ekplorasi Konsep Dinamika Rotasi pada Tari Banjarkemuning Asal Sidoarjo sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Etnofisika
Abstract Views: 357 | File Views: 366 -
Ethnoscience Study of Tabuik Pariaman, West Sumatra in Physics Learning
Abstract Views: 256 | File Views: 260 -
Puzzle Fisika Berbasis Make a Match: Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Kelas XI
Abstract Views: 300 | File Views: 132 -
Efektivitas Simulasi Virtual PhET dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Zat Padat untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Calon Guru Fisika
Abstract Views: 179 | File Views: 163
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